After the posters and flyers , came the online shop project with the The BarKing Cat. The same challenges that I describe when I designed their posters apply for the online shop as well. I should not deviate from the brand otherwise consistency would not be achieved and I really did not want users to think that website and shop are two different entities.
So what I did was to create a very minimal and straight forward online shop. In the navigation I created very basic and clear categories that will show the customer up front what the shop has to offer but in my opinion will invite then to explore as well.
Currently the eShop is under development but you will hear more from me once it is in production!
if you also want to bring your shop online or if you want to give me some feedback concerning this project, hit me up using the form below!
Drop me a line
[contact-form-7 id=”610″ title=”Contact Form 1″]