A page designed with WordPress for IxorDocs
This project was designed during my mission at Ixor in Mechelen
Ixor Docs is an official PEPPOL Access Point that facilitates e-invoicing for SMEs in Flanders and the Netherlands. I know that you are probably wondering what is PEPPOL, what is an Access Point or even e-invoicing so I encourage you to read more about it here and learn how it can be a benefit for your business!
More about my involvement with the project now. When I arrived at Ixor their Ixor Docs solution was still in its birth in the sense that although it was a well established business concept and the implementation was half way done, the product did not yet have a visual representation. This is where I came in the picture. I designed the IxorDocs logo and their landing page taking into account the existing visual elements and the typography of Ixor in their multiple online and offline platforms. In addition to the logo and the landing page, I designed some flyers, banners and Ixor Docs gifts to be used in several forums and informational events.
Since this was a partially governmental project I read through the official documentation of the government and of PEPPOL to make sure that our solution will comply with the given directives. This was my first hands-on experience working on a project where governmental institutions are involved this meant that several strict administrative paperwork procedures had to be followed.
Needles to say that this project was very interesting. I had the chance to get to know and work with the very talented copywriter and business lead from Websters, Sam Verhaegen and learned to appreciate the value of good copy in a (web) project. I also had the opportunity to work with Agile guru Johan Platteau. Both him and Sam were inspiring business leads from whom I learned a lot. They gave me the appropriate push and feedback as well as the freedom to create the UX solutions that I envisioned for IxorDocs.
I have identified the challenge to communicate this software solution as clearly as possible in a way to attract our target audience. The language of our landing page was hence Dutch, I searched for the appropriate color palette and dynamic visual(s) that will invoke to the end user the right feeling of trust in our solution and we tried to describe and include in our page not only what this can offer in an SME but also which partners are supporting our solution.
Here is a review for my work at Ixor
Despoina and myself became fast friends while we were both working at Ixor. I at the time was their principal business developer and she was the resident desinger/UX specialist. She worked on several of the Doccle project and made a large contribution to the visual image of IxorDocs, the joint venture between Doccle and Ixor. In that capacity she designed the majority of our visual aids: from fidget spinners to roll-up banners and provided me with the necessary framework for the landing pages and websites used to promote IxorDocs.
Despi has a natural flair when it comes to understanding the way people interact with design and is very skilled in marrying business requirements with good UX. She is a critical thinker, can take direction and criticism and has the capacity for creating things out of nothing. I hope to work with her again in the future.
Do you also want to create a specific landing page for your product? Do not hesitate to contact me using the form below
We can create a landing page together!
[contact-form-7 id=”610″ title=”Contact Form 1″]