Getting involved with this project, I have come to know that each CrossFit gym or “Box” as they are called, is considered more of a community rather than a gym as we used to define it for other facilities of the sports sector. That is because the members of CrossFit train together , they have a sense of belonging to a family and are being treated as equal members in the main CrossFit community.
A CrossFit Box is also quite different than your usual gym. Most of the times they are not located in the centre of a city, they have no mirrors on the walls and they have an industrial design. When you visit a CrossFit Box, you will feel like you are in a big garage. I immediately wanted to reflect this to the design of the website.
In this first re-design, live since 2015, corporate fitness jargon and stock workout images where replaced by professional yet more personalised images and elements from the CrossFit1815 Box in Waterloo. When navigating the website a CrossFit member has the same feeling as actually visiting the physical location, familiarity is achieved. The social feed sector on the first page allows social media posts of the members to show on the page giving a sense of togetherness on the on-line version of the Box.
New members and people who want to know about the CrossFit Box of Waterloo can find what their looking for quite easily and have a clear idea of what they will see in reality.
However, we believe we can improve and a new re-design for CrossFit Waterloo is in the works as we speak….
If you want to create your website, do not hesitate to contact me:
I can handle the weight of your Website redesign!
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