Poster for the Barking Cat Shop designed in 2017
I have done plenty of posters for The BarKing Cat shop and I have also designed the web shop for this store but I think this is one of my favourite posters. I must say that it has been challenging to work for this particular client, although they gave me a lot of freedom while working on their projects, I am not crazy about their logo and the font they are using is just so similar to Comic Sans which as you know is the worse enemy of all designers on earth.
I had to work with what I had and design something that does not deviate from the visual identity of the store. Not so easy… I believe that this poster is an example of what can be accomplished in a situation like this. It is also very positive to work with someone you like and who receives feedback well.
if you also want a banner for your shop or if you want to give me some feedback concerning this project, do not hesitate to contact me!
Drop me a line
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